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Our aim is to train professionals capable to transform the chemical industry towards an environmentally friendly one, i.e., to develop products and processes that minimise or even avoid the use of hazardous substances. The development of technologies to use hydrogen as a renewable fuel requires the involvement of chemists. Besides the basic subjects of chemistry studies i.e.: organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, and chemical chemistry, the study program includes the following ones: energy transition, renewable energies, chemical raw materials for sustainable development, hydrogen economy and energy storage.
Ph D. Maria Jolanta Korabik, prof. of WU - Deputy Dean for TeachingThe quality of the Green Chemistry degree programme and its compliance with employers' expectations is monitored by a Programme Council made up of representatives of academics, business, and the chemical industry. The presence of representatives of industry makes it possible to do interesting both traineeships and internships in large chemical companies in Poland and to acquire interesting work after graduation.
Graduates of the degree program Green Chemistry are prepared to participate in the decarbonisation of the economy of the EU countries and to promote energy neutrality through research and investment in renewable resources of energy.
The advantage of the Green Chemistry degree programme, as well as the other courses of study at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Wroclaw, is the opportunity to acquire additional professional qualifications for the teaching of chemistry in primary and secondary schools. Teachers and their students will be able to introduce the issues of sustainable chemistry to a wider group of society.