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The aim of the programme is to support the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure to reduce the number of vehicles emitting CO2 and NOx and thereby improving air quality. The programme envisages the possibility of subsidising projects involving the construction or reconstruction of a publicly accessible hydrogen station.
A publicly accessible hydrogen station is an assembly of equipment, including a hydrogen refuelling point with the necessary ancillary infrastructure and storage tanks, for the refuelling of hydrogen. The funded hydrogen refuelling infrastructure will use at least low-carbon hydrogen, i.e. hydrogen from fossil fuels with carbon capture and storage or electrolytic hydrogen.
The budget for the programme's objective, for non-refundable funding, is up to PLN 870 million.
So far, 3 calls for proposals have been carried out.
1st call for proposals - construction or reconstruction of a hydrogen station open to the public
Call submission period: from 07/01/2022 to 31/03/2022
Call budget of PLN 100 million
5 applications were received for the construction of 12 stations for a subsidy amount of PLN 70 million at a total cost of PLN 279.7 million. 5 subsidy agreements were concluded (PKM Świerklaniec, PKM Tychy, PAK PCE BIOGAZ Sp. z o.o., PKN ORLEN SA, Elektrociepłownia Nowa Sarzyna Sp z.o.o.) to the amount of PLN 70 million.
2nd call for proposals - construction or reconstruction of a hydrogen station open to the public
Call submission period: from 01/11/2022 to 31/01/2023
Call budget of PLN 30 million
2 applications were received for the construction of 2 stations for a subsidy amount of PLN 19.5 million at a total cost of PLN 39.8 million. 1 grant agreement concluded (Promet Plast S.C.) for an amount of over PLN 13 million. Negotiations for a subsidy application are underway with Błonie-Pass Strefa Przemysłowa SA.
3rd call for grant applications - no applications received
The call for proposals was announced on 17/04/2023 with a deadline of 30/06/2023.
Call budget of PLN 10 million. No application was received
Under the three calls conducted, 7 applications for co-financing were submitted for the amount of PLN 89 million. There is 1 application for co-financing at the negotiation stage.
The planned date for the 4th call is Q3 2023 with a budget of PLN 10,383,020.00.